






Northern Irish police officer DCI Tom Brannick connects a suicide note with an infamous cold case with enormous personal significance.


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Reviews (2)

Peter McGinn

4 years ago . 6 / 10

I couldn’t get into this series, but I wouldn’t discourage anyone from giving it a try. I really like the lead actor — isn’t he the pig farmer from Ned Devine? — and a few others in the cast seemed fine. The plot never really grabbed me, however. It seemed familiar to me, but to be fair, there are only so many police detective themes out there, and the detective who takes on a cold case that no one wants him to handle and which is part of his own past and turns dangerous, is one of them. ...


2 years ago . 5 / 10

It was interesting to see another reviewer state they couldn't get into this series, funnily enough, nor could I. I'm going to try to break down why that is. I suspect the problem here is there are too many sub plots. Constantly introducing often predictable and at times cliched, sub plots tends to detract from and water down the overriding focus of the story, an assassin who just happen's to be a police officer. Is the assassin/cop going to get caught, will there be a big reveal or will...
