





The Head of Joaquín Murrieta

Greed took over California because of the gold rush. It made people thirsty for wealth and land. There, in the newly drawn border between Mexico and the US, a lawless war for control, fueled by the anger and xenophobia of the past war, is led by a group of immigrants who join forces to create the myth of the Latin Robin Hood: Joaquín Murrieta.


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Reviews (1)


2 years ago . 1 / 10

Today we would use words like "Serial Killer" and psychopath to describe him, and that's fine. You walk into understand that the story is going to be told from his perspective and everyone is sort of the hero of their own story... ... only it's doesn't feel like it's told from his perspective, it feels like it's told from the perspective of (and very specifically) a white college educated liberal trying to be politically correct... and not an infamous Mexican bandit. You can specifically...
