





Midsomer Murders

The peacefulness of the Midsomer community is shattered by violent crimes, suspects are placed under suspicion, and it is up to a veteran DCI and his young sergeant to calmly and diligently eliminate the innocent and ruthlessly pursue the guilty.




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Reviews (2)

Peter McGinn

5 years ago . 7 / 10

We have now watched every season of Midsomer Murders so far, and that is a lot. So you know we like the program. It took a few shows for us to get a sense that the it is a pastiche of police shows. I don’t mean that it is a comedy or makes fun of the genre; just that it turns it on its head a little. For one thing, it seems there are always about three murders per episode, and they are not 90 minute shows. They aren’t serial killings; it just seems like for one reason or another, circumstance...


6 months ago . 1 / 10

Spoiler Alert: Do you want to know who the killer is? Look for a Cross, a Star of David, someone praying, a member of the clergy and you are good. The character that is not an atheist is the killer... unless the character is a Muslim, then they will be heroic. And they are pretty pathological about it. in a different age it would be bigotry, not the new episodes are made in an era where people are proud of their bigotry. But for you the viewer it's like watching a Woke show in Ameri...
