





The Society

When everyone else mysteriously vanishes from their wealthy town, the teen residents of West Ham must forge their own society to survive.


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Reviews (2)

J. D. Parent

5 years ago . 8 / 10

Summary: The teens of West Ham high are taken on school buses for a camping trip. They return to find their town completely empty, all the exits blocked and no communication with the outside world. They must learn to fend for themselves and how to survive on their own. Together they must solve a murder, figure out a system for living and what happened to everyone else. The characters boundaries, alliances and decision making skills are tested while they try to do their best to live without ...


4 years ago . 3 / 10

I wanna say it's a shame that it got cancelled, but to be honest I didn't really cared much for the show. It was a bit too dark for me....
